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 The Message of Garabandal 

Mary Throws Down a Star
gh   Glenn Hudson          (Click with Edge; Right click to read aloud)

Mary Throws Down a Star
on anniversary date of the Miracle of Fatima

Star with trail

OCTOBER 12-13, 1961

Read this story from the PDF source free book "She went with haste to the mountain" Book 2.
(very informative with lots of pictures). Pg 18.

It was the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar [The feast of Our Lady of the Pillar is on October 12th. It is a great feastday in Spain and Latin America.

The religious celebration comes from devotion to Mary through an ancient statue in the great Marian basilica in Saragossa. The statue, because it stands on a column (reputedly part of the column on which Christ was scourged), has received the name of del Pilar. According to tradition, here on the banks of the Ebro River, the first temple was built to honor Mary on the Iberian peninsula, the land of the Mother of God.

The civil holiday, both in Spain and Latin-America, is based on the fact that on October 12th, 1492, the Spanish discoverers landed on the American continent. Also on October 12th, the Civil Guard celebrates the feastday of its patron.

Juan Alvarez Seco, the chief of the Civil Guard, stated: «On October 12th, while apart from the others, I received the cross to kiss from the four girls, as if it were a congratulation from the Virgin for being the feast of our patron and for having come on that evening to Garabandal.»] during another day of our apparitions, at which Loli and I were present. While we were looking at the Virgin, a star with a very long tail was seen beneath the Virgin's feet. Several people saw this. We asked the Virgin what it meant; but she didn't answer.

The ecstasies that began on the evening of October 12th extended into the middle of the night. The people began leaving, and toward 2:30 in the morning almost no one remained in the little village plaza except a small group consisting of responsible men: Dr. Ortiz from Santander, Luis Adaro from Gijón, Rafael Sanz Moliner from Oviedo, and Rufino Alonso from Pola de Siero. They had met there, waiting for their wives who had gone to Mari Cruz' home to collect some religious articles that they had entrusted with the girl to give to the Virgin to kiss. Mari Cruz had an ecstasy during which she had gone up to the Pines. There she had prayed a Station to the Blessed Sacrament, and later stopped in the calleja, at the site of the first apparition, where she prayed another Station.

The people in the plaza soon saw two of the girls, Conchita and Loli, go under the balcony or terrace connected to the house of Loli's grandmother.They were in ecstasy there and let out a shout at the same time as they raised up their arms.

"We saw the Virgin throw down a star."

«Instinctively» — Dr. Ortiz said — "We looked upwards toward the sky, and we saw a star cross from the north to the south (that is, in the direction toward the Pines) with a great brilliance, leaving a trail that lasted several seconds ... I know that Maximina Gonzalez and other women of the village saw the star too. On the contrary some young boys, who were at the entrance of Ceferino's house and who ran toward the girls on hearing the cry, didn't see anything because they were under the balcony like the girls. After the star had passed, we went where the girls were and accompanied them praying toward the church, at whose entrance the ecstasy stopped. Immediately we asked them:

— Why did you scream?

— Because we saw the Virgin throw down a star.

— But you couldn't have seen the star, since you were under the balcony!

— Well we certainly saw it. The Virgin did this."

Father Valentin mentions this phenomena in his notes:

"We were in the plaza. Conchita and Loli shouted out loud with fear. Everyone was frightened. Some of the people looked at the girls; others looked at the sky. Those who did the latter said that they saw a brilliant star that crossed from one part of the sky to another, and that it could not in any way be mistaken for a shooting star or comet. After having screamed, the girls laughed and went on happily, as if dancing with joy."

It is understandable that all these things, wrapped like this in a halo of mystery, and probably magnified by being transmitted from person to person, necessarily had to leave the people very impressed.

With all these things happening, it would be easy to think: Where will all this end? Surely all these things are an announcement of something great to come.

What will we see on the day of the message? "



Link to free PDF book above (very informative with lots of pictures). Pg 18.

See all the free online books including books 1 & 3 of "She went with haste to the mountain".

Last Update  May 27, 2024