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 The Message of Garabandal 

The Miracle will be in April
gh   Glenn Hudson          (Click with Edge; Right click to read aloud)

"We Now Know That The Miracle Will Happen In The Month Of April ..."

Interview with Father Gustavo Morelos

Reprinted with permission from The Vigil January - April 1988

While in Rome, Maria Saraco met with Father Gustavo Morelos on May 6,1986, and did a tape-recorded interview with him. Father who is Mexican was ordained a priest 28 years ago. He is the founder of "The Sons of The Divine Will." He conducted a serious 3-month study of the Garabandal Apparitions with the permission of his bishop during his stay there in 1965. He was also a great and personal friend of Padre Pio. Father Morelos is responsible for introducing Our Lady of Carmel of Garabandal to the entire South American part of the world.

Q. Did Conchita ever reveal anything special to you?
A. Well, she used to say to me that if I guessed the day of The Miracle that she would tell me, so I would try to guess the date but I never did. Every time I would give her a date she would say, "No that's not it." Until one time she said, "I will help you to guess. It will happen between the months of February and July and it will be between the *7th and the 17th, but I will not tell you which year." She assured me that The Miracle would not happen in the month of May. I enjoyed talking to Conchita about this while trying to guess the date... Of course, only Conchita knows the exact date and year which she will announce 8 days before it happens. (* between means 8th-16th actual days, not including the 7th & 17th)

However, in the book, "Miracle at Garabandal" authored by Harry Daley; page 89, Conchita is quoted as saying, "I will also tell you that it (meaning the Miracle) is going to happen either in April or May. Since she had already assured Father Morelos back in 1965 that the Miracle would not happen in May, it can safely be concluded that April must be the month in which it will take place. I spoke to Conchita about all these details as recent as April 25, 1988 during a telephone conversation, and while she was not able to recall saying what she did to both Father Morelos and Harry Daley, commenting that she had not read his book, she did not deny saying them nor did she contradict April as being The Miracle month. I pointed out that I intended to publish this information in "The Vigil" unless she said it was not true which she did not do, rather her reply was, "You can do what you want."

Last Update  May 27, 2024