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 The Message of Garabandal 

Today in Garabandal History,
July 2, 1961
Visitation Feastday - Mary's first visit
gh   Glenn Hudson          (Click with Edge; Right click to read aloud)

First Visit on Feastday of the Visitation

JULY 2, 1961

On the Feastday of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary [traditional calendar], the two angels, who appeared one on each side of Our Lady, were St. Michael and St. Gabriel, the Angel of the Annunciation but also the Angel of supernatural dreams and prophetic revelations, more particularly those related to the divine and universal plan of the salvation of humankind. Gabriel appeared but once at San Sebastian de Garabandal.

[Isabel Daganzo, an artist painter, under Conchita's guidance, drew several sketches of these first apparitions. In one illustration of the Blessed Virgin with the two Angels, an "Eye" is drawn at the top.]

The "Eye of God" ("ayin" in Hebrew, "ophtalmos" in Greek): what a theme! This word, or expression, in its singular form rarely used in the Bible, is then applied explicitly to the divine omniscience and providence. Given the four previous manifestations of the Shekinah, the eruption of this "Eye of God" who "alone probes the loins and the hearts" and who plunges down into everything and everyone, is not surprising.

The iconographic signal here is absolutely correct: in Holy Scripture, indeed, right prevails over left, and top over bottom. In the children's vision. the Eye, placed above Mary, effectively designates Yahweh, who dominates all creation, all times and History itself.

At Lourdes, during Her last apparition, July 16, 1858, Mary (the Immaculate Conception) manifested herself to Bernadette, "more beautiful than ever," and not without a profound reason, since it was the Feast of "Our Lady of Mount Carmel" . . .

At Fatima, it was the same, Mary having also appeared, for the fourth and the last time on October 13, 1917, under the title and the form of "Nossa Senhora do Carmo." These were undoubtedly prophetic signs of her later "manifestations" at Garabandal: consequently, a fulfilled rendezvous!

[Excerpted from "Garabandal" Book, pages 44, 45.]

The first visit from the Virgin with baby Jesus and the Arcangels, July 2, 1961,
on the Feast of the "Visitation" took place in the Calleja, the rocky path leading
up to the pines. Saint Michael the Arcangle (left) and Saint Gabriel (right)
were about age 9, with the Virgin Mary around 18.

Mary's first visit with the Arcangels

Click for larger view of Blessed Mary & the Archangels.

Rocky cow path walks at night without ever falling
Click for larger view of rocky path.

The girls violently knelt, walked backward and ran on these rocks
with their heads up and their eyes fixed on the vision.

Isabel Daganzo

Isabel Daganzo works with Conchita on one of the sketches.

Last Update  May 27, 2024