July 27, 1975 Mari Loli “Needles” magazine Interview
Q. You have said that you know the year of the Warning. Can
you tell us if it will occur in the next few years or is it still in the
distant future?
A. No. I can't say anything.
Q. Did the Blessed Mother
tell you not to speak about the Warning?
A. No, she didn't, but because the Warning and the
Miracle are within the same year, I feel it inside not to say anything.
Q. How do you know the Warning and the Miracle are within
the same year"?
A. During an apparition-I don't remember just when- the
Blessed Virgin told me.
This interview has been published again in “Garabandal
International” magazine October-December 2004
Miracle after the Warning, 3 weeks or 3 months?
Dear Glenn,
In the late 1980´s or early 1990´s, two Priests, whom I knew personally at that
time, visited Mari Loli in Massachusetts. On their return one of the Priests
told me that Mari Loli disclosed to them, when they were leaving, that the
Warning would be in an even-numbered year.
Several years later I asked the same Priest if Mari Loli said even numbered
year. He said, "Yes". I have also read about or heard the same from
other sources, which I do not recall now.
In another situation, I was told by a man in Massachussets, who knows the
Pastor of the Church that Mari Loli attended, that Mari Loli was speaking to
her Pastor in Massachusetts one day, after he came to know about her relation
with Garabandal, and told him that she could not remember
whether the Blessed Virgin told her that it was 3 weeks or 3 months that the
Warning would precede the Miracle. That would confirm that the Warning and
Miracle are in the same year, as she said in her July 27, 1975 publicized
interview. I take the same year to be the same calendar year.
Thomas Fahy
YES. Actually, I heard this from the Priest who was with Fr.
Gustavo. I have not been in contact with either of them for several years now.
Fahy was the author of “Suddenly & Unexpectedly” The
end of our Times.