First Day:
Day of month:
1, 10, 19, 28
Knowledge of the Mystery of the Divine Mercy
(Diary, 483) “O God, how I desire that souls come to know You and to see
that You have created them because of Your unfathomable love; I feel
that I am going to remove the veil of heaven so that earth will not
doubt Your goodness.”
Saint Faustina, obtain for me the grace of penetrating more and more
deeply into the mystery of God’s mercy in the work of
creation, salvation and glory so that, like you, I may make it known to
the world. Amen.
Saint Faustina, pray with us.
Second Day:
Day of month:
2, 11, 20, 29
– The
Contemplation of Mercy in Everyday Life
(Diary, 454)
“God, I look for no happiness beyond my own interior where
You dwell. I rejoice that You dwell within me; here I abide with You
unendingly; it is here that my greatest intimacy with You exists; here
I dwell with You in safety; here is a place not probed by the human
eye. The Blessed Virgin encourages me to commune with You in this
St Faustina, teach me to abide with the Lord in my own soul, to listen
to His voice and to experience with Him all the moments of my life.
Obtain for me the grace of contemplating mercy in everyday life. Amen.
Saint Faustina, pray with us.
Third Day:
Day of month:
3, 12, 21, 30
– The
Attitude of Trust toward God
(Diary, 283)
“God, One in the Holy Trinity, I want to love You as no human
soul has ever loved You before; and although I am utterly miserable and
small, I have, nevertheless, cast the anchor of my trust deep down into
the abyss of Your mercy, O my God and Creator! In spite of my great
misery I fear nothing, but hope to sing You a hymn of glory for
Saint Faustina, obtain for me the grace of childlike trust so that I
may always and in everything faithfully fulfil God’s will, which
is mercy itself for us. Amen
Saint Faustina, pray with us.
Forth Day:
Day of month:
4, 13, 22, 31
– The
Attitude of Mercy toward Neighbour
(Diary, 1242)
“My Jesus, penetrate me through and through so that I might
be able to reflect You in my whole life. Divinize me so that my deeds
may have supernatural value. Grant that I may have love, compassion and
mercy for every soul without exception. O my Jesus, each of Your saints
reflects one of Your virtues; I desire to reflect Your compassionate
Heart, full of mercy; I want to glorify it. Let Your mercy, O Jesus, be
impressed upon my heart and soul like a seal, and this will be my badge
in this and in the future life.”
Saint Faustina, intercede for me before the Lord so that my life, too,
may be transformed into mercy exercised toward my neighbour by deed,
word and prayer. May my eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, and heart be
merciful. Amen.
Saint Faustina, pray with us.
Fifth Day:
Day of month:
5, 14, 23
Proclaiming the Message of Mercy
(Diary, 1325)
“O my God, let everything that is in me praise You, my Lord
and Creator; and with every beat of my heart I want to praise Your
unfathomable mercy. I want to tell souls of Your goodness and encourage
them to trust in Your mercy. That is my mission, which You Yourself
have entrusted to me, O Lord, in this life and in the life to
Following your example, Saint Faustina, I want to proclaim to the world
the message of Mercy by the witness of my life and word so that it may
reach all the peoples of the earth and fill their hearts with hope. May
Jesus’ promise be fulfilled in my life as well:
‘Souls who spread the honour of My mercy I shield through
their entire lives as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of
death I will not be a Judge for them, but the Merciful
Saviour’. (Diary, 1075) Amen.
Saint Faustina, pray with us.
Sixth Day:
Day of month:
6, 15, 24
Imploring God’s Mercy for the World
(Diary, 482)
“O my God, I am conscious of my mission in the Holy Church.
It is my constant endeavour to plead for mercy for the world. I unite
myself closely with Jesus and stand before Him as an atoning sacrifice
on behalf of the world. God will refuse me nothing when I entreat Him
with the voice of His Son. My sacrifice is nothing in itself, but when
I join it to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, it becomes all-powerful and
has the power to appease divine wrath. God loves us in His Son; the
painful Passion of the Son of God constantly turns aside the wrath of
Together with you, Saint Faustina, I want to plead for mercy for the
whole world, particularly for sinners as well as for priests and
religious so that, living in the world, they may lead the people of God
on the paths of salvation. Amen.
Saint Faustina, pray with us.
Seventh Day:
Day of month:
7, 16, 25
– Love for
the Church – The Mystical Body of Christ
(Diary, 1505)
“Jesus, I am striving for sanctity, because in this way I
shall be useful to the Church. I make constant efforts in practising
virtue. I try faithfully to follow Jesus. And I deposit this whole
series of daily virtues – silent, hidden, almost
imperceptible, but made with great love – in the treasury of
God’s Church for the common benefit of souls. I feel
interiorly as if I were responsible for all souls. I know very well
that I do not live for myself alone, but for the entire
Grateful for all the gifts of God’s mercy available to me in
the Church, I want to make use of them like you, Saint Faustina, in
order to become a saint and so draw other souls to the founts of
God’s mercy. Amen.
Saint Faustina, pray with us.
Eight Day:
Day of month:
8, 17, 26
– Meeting
with Jesus in the Sacraments
(Diary, 1392)
“Jesus, there is one more secret in my life, the deepest and
dearest to my heart: it is You Yourself when You come to my heart under
the appearance of bread. Herein lays the whole secret of my sanctity.
Here my heart is so united with Yours as to be but one. There are no
more secrets, because all that is Yours is mine and all that is mine is
Yours. Such is the omnipotence and the miracle of Your mercy. -All the
good that is in me is due to Holy Communion. I owe everything to it. I
feel that this holy fire has transformed me completely. O, how happy I
am to be a dwelling place for You, O Lord! My heart is a temple in
which You dwell continually.”
Saint Faustina, obtain for me the grace of living faith so that each
sacramrent be for me a privileged place of meeting with the Lord, and
may the Eucharist be at the very center of my entire life, transforming
it into love. Amen.
Saint Faustina, pray with us.
Ninth Day:
Day of month:
9, 18, 27
Devotion to Our Lady
(Diary, 1232)
“O sweet Mother of God, I model my life on you. You are for
me the bright dawn; in you I lose myself, enraptured. O Mother,
Immaculate Virgin, in you the divine ray is reflected. Midst storms, it
is you who teach me to love the Lord, O my shield and defence from the
Saint Faustina, most faithful daughter of the Mother of Mercy, hide me
under her mantle so that she may lead me to Jesus and teach me to
participate in his life and mission revealing to the world the mercy of
the Heavenly Father. Like Mary, I want to give Jesus – Mercy
Incarnate – to people and prepare the world for His second
coming. Amen.
Saint Faustina, pray with us.